August 18, 2020


slant-wise, sideways, 

come to me now.

lover long wished for,

come now or never,

come soon or too late

come crookedly to me.

slant-wise, sideways,

come to me now.

man i've never known,

bend to me tender

cup my jagged heart

tightly against your chest.

slant-wise, sideways,

come to me now.

let your broken bits

be smooth and gentle

let them not grate rough

upon my open hands.

slant-wise, sideways,

come to me now.

never to be owned,

see the best in me

do not call it weak

but love it all the more.

slant-wise, sideways,

come to me now.

man of my late dreams,

come a crooked way

bitter detour path

no meadow, but a wood.

slant-wise, sideways,

come to me now.

bring a phoenix love

bring a begging bowl

one that doesn't leak

with every offering.

slant-wise, sideways,

come to me now.

build a crooked house,

waning moon above,

build a bentwood bed

to rest our weary souls.

Kintsugi - The Art of Embracing Imperfection | North ...

August 16, 2020

on pain of waking

in dreams i know who i am,

limitless, surefooted,

free of pain

i relearn poise

how to hush and hold myself

folded into the flow

it's easy to be wise when 

animals speak and humans don't

no lies are told in dreams

i listen to the deer with human eyes

and see through walls to 

star glitter or sunrise

my shoulders sprout wings

creamy, surprising things, and

even though i never fly in dreams

it's a wonder and comfort

just to feel them there

but every morning,

i'm just me again


somewhere a desired woman frees a magic bird  captured with deceit or cruel cunning by some prince or wizard or stable hand in order to capt...